Preliminary experiments for a CG-based syntactic tree corpus of Estonian

This search interface was designed to demonstrate the results of a pilot project where a VISL-style phrase structure grammar is used to construct syntactic trees from CG-annotated Estonian text. The sample texts were taken from the CG Annotated corpus of Estonian, which consists of manually corrected output from Kaili Müürisep's CG-parser. The experimental PSG module has been written by Eckhard Bick with help from Heli Uibo and Kadri Muischnek. Note that the present set of trees has not yet been revised manually. You can browse the trees by entering "est-1", "est-2" ... "est-148" into the input field. Sofie-trees are "sofie_est-1" ... "sofie_est-100".

This window will be used to show search results - in VISL's vertical tree annotation - if "source" is chosen in the visualisation menu. The "Slant" option, which only works with single-sentence-search, will open a new (java) window, allowing graphical interactive tree presentation and interactive inspection/manipulation of trees. Note that "extended" is an information-conserving VISL-version of the original CG-function-tags, which can be seen with the "CG-style" option. "default" is a simplified teaching version of the VISL tag set.